Our History

After starting Caring Hearts High School, a boarding school for girls in 2015, we soon realized that donors’ investment was used to produce better results than when the students were sponsored in different schools. In those other schools, students were routinely suspended for dubious reasons, thus missing lessons. They also didn’t have youth development programs and were not given medical treatment in a timely manner.

Within a few years, the girls’ school became an academic powerhouse, leading in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Exams, as well as a dominant force in extra-curricular activities. The students had, and continue to have, adequate educational resources, supervised academic preparation, medical attention, moral-and values-based learning, academic and cultural trips, consistent counseling and guidance, nutritious and regular meals, and tutoring by subject matter experts among others.

We were, and still are, able to interact and support our girls in times like during the current pandemic but didn’t do anything for boys that we continued to sponsor in other schools. Our teachers did not know what the boys have covered in their respective schools or their needs. The boys have continued to underperform their potential and many are likely to miss the opportunity for post high school education and/or training.

But the fortunes of vulnerable boys have now been changed, for the better. In October 2020, amid COVID-19, a dilapidated boarding school facility became available for sale. Our gracious donors took advantage of the opportunity and purchased we demolished the existing condemned structures and constructed new dormitory, classrooms, administration offices, two science labs and computer lab. On August 2, 2021, we admitted the first class of 51 freshman boys at Caring Hearts High School-Kangundo.

Vision, Mission and What We Do

VISION: Empowering Youth to Serve, Lead and Influence
MISSION: To provide a well-rounded education for graduates to lead successful, Satisfying and compassionate lives
ABOUT US: We offer an environment that is geared to optimal learning, community service, artistic and cultural experiences, life skills training and practical knowledge.

Our Core Values

  1. Hard work in all aspects of individual growth.
  2. Integrity, honesty, fairness and leading by example.
  3. Service and self-sacrifice for others and the community.
  4. Commitment and dedication to duty and positive productivity.
  5. Excellence with uncompromising responsibility and accountability.

We are what we do repeatedly.


Caring Hearts High School, although very young, has consistanly produced top scholars who are now in universities, pursuing degrees and diplomas that will benefit their families, Kenya and the whole world. The School is outperforming expectations and has become a regional powerhouse in academic contests and also in co-curricular activities.


Benefits enjoyed by CHHSK students include, but are not limited to:

  • Conducive learning environment with security cameras and 24/7 supervision
  • Balanced diet with meat, eggs, vegetables, and fresh fruits
  • Well equipped science laboratories
  • Fully equipped computer class
  • Functional library
  • Interaction with their teachers, including during evening and weekend studies
  • Comfortable beddings for maximum restful nights
  • Inspirational and challenging presentations by leaders, top artists and spiritual leaders
  • School-sponsored academic, sports, leadership and other youth development programs and
  • Local, national and international trips (no cost for parents/guardians)
  • Opportunity to meet and learn with and from international students, their teachers and parents
  • Benchmarking with top performing schools such as Sunshine, Kabarak and Precious Blood
  • Reliable water source (borehole) that guarantees clean water for students
  • Back-up commercial generator that provides electricity to the entire school, if needed


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Some before and after photos of our buildings

Contact Caring Hearts High School Kangundo

Caring Heart High School is managed by a Board of competent educationists and holds an annual general meeting. CHHSK partners with parents, teachers, the local community, Ministry of Education and relevant government bodies to prepare students for success at school and beyond.

Mailing Address: P.O Box 1075, Kangundo, Kenya
Email: Info@caringheartshighschoolkangundo.com
Telephone: +254 0114-999-755